Vacuum Tube Assignment

The vacuum tube was invented by Sir John Ambrose Fleming and was patented in 1905. The vacuum tube worked by placing an extra electrode inside of an incandescent light bulb. When the filament of the bulb was heated white-hot, electrons were boiled off into the vacuum inside the bulb. If the extra electrode is made more positive than the hot filament, a direct current flows through the vacuum. The current flows from the filament to the electrode, converting AC signals to DC.
The vacuum tube (or vacuum diode) is considered the beginning of electronics and was used in radio receivers and radar for over 50 years. The invention of the vacuum tube allowed for innovations such as television, long distance phone calls, and the first electronic digital computers. Today, vacuum tubes have been replaced with transistors, but for over half a century, the vacuum tubes were a crucial aspect of the most advanced technology.


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